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The North-East India comprises of the seven states [also known as the Seven Sisters]:

Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura.


North-East India has a marked individuality and uniqueness of its own. It is a miniature India – an epitome of the subcontinent. It is a paradise and an anthropological museum where we can witness the beauty and variety of India. The thick forests full of rare animals, beautiful traditional villages, amazing cliffs, fascinating heavenly greenery, gently flowing rivers and mighty Brahmaputra (Assam) are all exceptional uniqueness of this place.  This is a land where history has its roots.


The people of this area are mainly Mongoloid race. On the basis of certain commonalities like socio-cultural similarity, linguistic affinity, ethnic affiliation and common territory, these tribes are conveniently divided and settled in different regions. The Boros, the Khasis, the Arunachalis, the Nagas, etc., are the major tribes of this region and they have a number of sub-tribes.


Most of the tribes have their own tribal religions, tribal gods, ways of worship and tribal ways of sacrifices.  But many of them have accepted Christianity. Christianity in this part of India has the history of more than a century. The Christian values and principles, Christian ethics and morality have certainly influenced the people of North-East India. The hard work that is put in by the Christian missionary Congregations are really commendable.


Arrival of the MSFS in the North-east India


The MSFS arrived in North-east India in 1975. When the pioneers arrived, there was eagerness in their eyes, enthusiasm in their face, and fire in their hearts. They reached as foreigners to an unknown land away from their dear and near ones, entirely to a new culture knowing nothing. But they had something deep within their hearts – the eagerness to do something beautiful for God. Six young priests going to a vast region with inexperience and no one to depend, was a humble beginning but challenging, thrilling and fascinating.


The Province of North-East India of the MSFS owe its indebtedness to the Province of Visakhapatnam, which sent its valiant sons to the North-east India. As the number of priests increased in the Province of Visakhapatnam, it always of thought of venturing out into areas where there was acute need for priests.

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